Ploughing Festival 2016

May 11, 2016 in Asia

The Ploughing Festival is celebrated in Asian countries on May 11, 2016 to introduce the beginning of the rice cultivation season. Also at this day Prince Gautama, later known as Buddha, experienced his first approach of enlightenment at the age of just seven years. When he woke up completely alone on the fairground after a nap, he did not fall in a panic, how many children would at this age, but began to meditate. He achieved the so-called single-pointedness of mind and developed the first ecstasy, called Jhana.

During the festivities a richly decorated plow is drawn by two white bulls. They are followed by a group of people holding banners in the air and guiding the plow with instrumental music. Later, the bulls have to choose one of seven agricultural products, which are built up in front of them. With their choice they determine the agricultural produce for the year. Buddhist monks sit during the ceremony cross-legged under a statue of Buddha, whose eyes are on the plow. The day is also known as Raek Na.

Where is Ploughing Festival?
When is Ploughing Festival?
Wednesday, the 11th of May 2016
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