Altagracia Day 2026

January 21, 2026 in Dominican Republic

Altagracia Day takes place on January 21, 2026. Día de la Altagracia, or Altagracia Day, is a day commemorating "Our Lady of Altagracia", patronal image and protector of the people of the Dominican Republic. It is a feast day and annual public holiday on January 21. "Our Lady of Altagracia" is a portrait of the Virgin Mary painted in the 16th century. The portrait is kept in The Basilica of Our Lady of Altagracia in the city of Salvaleón de Higüey. The festival was originally held on August 15, but was moved to January 21 to celebrate victory over the French in 1690. Patron saint of Dominican Republic. (With material from: Wikipedia)

Where is Altagracia Day?
Dominican Republic
When is Altagracia Day?
Wednesday, the 21st of January 2026
Only 362 days left!

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