Avalokitesvara's Birthday 2018

March 31, 2018 in China, Tibet

March 31, 2018 is for Buddhists of the Mahayana tradition an important day, because it is Avalokiteshvara's birthday. Due to the lunisolar calendar the date varies from year to year in the Gregorian solar calendar. Avalokiteshvara is a bodhisattva, an entity aspiring for the highest knowledge of nature, which stands for the universal compassion. Translated into English, the name means the Lord who looks down on the world. The legend says Avalokiteshvara has decided himself against his own enlightenment in order to help the people in their needs and to support them on their path to enlightenment.

Unlike the holidays of other deities Avalokiteshvara's birthday is not celebrated with fireworks and explosions. Because Avalokiteshvara's purity is so immense, it does not require help by fireworks for the expulsion of evil. The celebrations tend to take place in the form of worships. However, to celebrate this special occasion the best way, you just have to follow the example of Avalokiteshvara: Have compassion for all living beings and consider them as a unit and do not discriminate anyone, whether animal nor human.

Where is Avalokitesvara's Birthday?
China, Tibet
When is Avalokitesvara's Birthday?
Saturday, the 31st of March 2018
Over since 2212 days!

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