Castleton Garland Day 2025

May 29, 2025 in Castleton

Castleton Garland Day is observed on May 29, 2025. The day, which is also called Garland King Day, is annually celebrated on 29 May. If May 29 is a Sunday, the celebrations are held on Saturday. Castleton Garland Day takes place in the town of Castleton, and more specific in the Derbyshire Peak District. The day is said to commemorate the restoration of King Charles II in 1660. However, some people say that the day is a custom transferred from May Day, as those celebrations once have been banned by the Puritans. On Castleton Garland Day the Garland king rides through the streets, followed by a procession and in the evening maypole dancing takes place.

Where is Castleton Garland Day?
When is Castleton Garland Day?
Thursday, the 29th of May 2025
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