Evacuation Day in Syria 2025

April 17, 2025 in Syria

Independence Day or Evacuation Day in Syria is celebrated on April 17, 2025. It is Syria's national day commemorating the evacuation of the last French soldier. With festive parades, flowers and flags Syria celebrates its own Independence Day. After World War I and under the mandate for both countries, Syria and the Lebanon had been divided by the French.

The occupation ended in 1940 when France collapsed during World War II. Syria then got conquered by the Vichy Government und the French came finally back aided by the British Army. However the very last French soldier withdrew on April, 17 in 1946. On Evacuation Day in Syria this nations celebrates both, its independence in general and finally being rid of the French.

Where is Evacuation Day in Syria?
When is Evacuation Day in Syria?
Thursday, the 17th of April 2025
Only 126 days left!

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