Mitten Tree Day 2024

December 6, 2024 in the World

Mitten Tree Day is observed on December 06. 2024. While the origins of this holiday are unknown, it is believed that it is a response to the story The Mitten Tree, by Candace Christiansen. In this story a lady is knitting mittens for children and hangs them on an evergreen tree near a bus stop. So those children waiting for the bus who don't have mittens can use them to play in the snow. Every time the lady runs out of yarn a basket with more yarn appears at her door and she is able to continue to knit mittens for the children. Mitten Tree Day is sometimes used to organize donation campaign and help those in need.

Where is Mitten Tree Day?
When is Mitten Tree Day?
Friday, the 6th of December 2024
Only 132 days left!

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