National Good Neighbor Day 2024

September 28, 2024 in the USA

Row of Houses

National Good Neighbor Day is observed on September 28, 2024. Being good neighbors is an important part of the social life. In 2003, the U.S. Senate passed a resolution, sponsored by Montana Senator Max Baucus, making September 28, National Good Neighbor Day.

A Neighbor is a person who lives nearby, normally in a house or apartment that is next door or, in the case of houses, across the street. Some people form friendships with their neighbours, and help them by sharing their tools and helping with gardening tasks. Other people become frustrated with their neighbours, if the neighbour makes a lot of noise or makes messes.

A group of people living close together in a small community is called a neighbourhood. Some neighbourhoods have many community organizations, where people volunteer and do charitable activities. Other neighbourhoods in poor communities may have no community organizations, and there may be many problems in the community, such as illegal drugs, prostitution, and homelessness. (With material from: Wikipedia)

Where is the event?
When is the event?
Saturday, the 28th of September 2024
Only 63 days left!

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