Odisha Day 2025

April 1, 2025 in Odisha

Odisha Day is a regional holiday celebrated on April 01, 2025. This day, which is also known as Utkala Dibasa, Utkala Utsav, or Odisha Dibasa, is celebrated annually in Odisha, one of the 29 states of India, located in the eastern coast. Odisha Day commemorates the formation of the state as a separate province this day in 1936. Before, Odisha lost its political identity in 1568, which was followed by the defeat and demise of the last Hindu king Mukunda Dev. Odisha became a politically separate state under British rule on linguistic basis in 1936. On Odisha Day, there are a lot of festivities throughout the state, as well as fireworks competitions in the evening.

Where is Odisha Day?
When is Odisha Day?
Tuesday, the 1st of April 2025
Only 249 days left!

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