World Cities Day 2024

October 31, 2024 in the World

For the 31th of October in 2024 is annually designated as the World Cities Day. The United Nations (UN) initiated this world day in 2014 after the idea had firstly been mentioned in 2010 during the Shanghai Expo. It aims to support transnational cooperation because it’s easier to meet the chances and problems of a sustainable urbanization together.

There are global events initiated in order to reach that goal. Main topics usually are climate change, ecology or the diversity of urban cohabitation. The World Cities Day is a reminder for towners to participate in the long-term development of the cities. The more fostered and comfortable a city is – the more comfortable it is for the citizens to live in it. World Cities Day is the closure of the annual “Urban October”.

Where is World Cities Day?
When is World Cities Day?
Thursday, the 31st of October 2024
Only 97 days left!

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