World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 2025

June 15, 2025 in the World

The 15th of June in 2025 commemorates the elderly – it’s World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. This date calls attention to a global problem of an aging society. Old people are often dependent of the home care of their relatives who might be unable to cope with that. Domestic violence and abuse of the elder is the sad consequence World Elder Abuse Awareness appoints to.

The violence and abuse of the elder go from emotional neglect up to physical violence and abuse. The old people are often seriously ill and delicate, not able to defend themselves. Therefore World Elder Abuse Awareness aims to encourage the public’s awareness of that severe topic. It is a serious reminder of the rights of the elderly set by the United Nations (UN) in 2011.

Where is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day?
When is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day?
Sunday, the 15th of June 2025
Only 268 days left!

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