International Day of Education 2026

January 24, 2026 in the World

The United Nations celebrates the International Day of Education on January 24, 2026 to emphasize the pivotal role of education in achieving peace and equality worldwide. Proclaimed in 2018, it was first observed in 2019, with the intention of highlighting education as both a public responsibility and a fundamental human right. Access to quality education is recognized as a cornerstone for achieving the UN's Sustainable Development Goals. The day is celebrated annually.

Education not only equips individuals with the tools to escape poverty but also fosters understanding and cooperation across cultures. The Day of Education serves as a reminder to governments and stakeholders to invest in inclusive education systems, ensuring that no one is left behind, particularly in marginalized and crisis-affected regions.

Where is Day of Education?
When is Day of Education?
Saturday, the 24th of January 2026
Only 344 days left!

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