International Day to End Obsteric Fistula 2026

May 23, 2026 in the World

The International Day to End Obsteric Fistula takes place on May 23, 2026 and had been initiated by the United Nations in 2014. This international day aims to make the problems of obsteric fistula aware to the public.

We have placed a detailed description of this event on this page: International Day to End Obsteric Fistula 2025. For further information please stop by there!

Where is Day to End Obsteric Fistula?
When is Day to End Obsteric Fistula?
Saturday, the 23rd of May 2026
Only 468 days left!

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International Day to End Obsteric Fistula 2026 - May 23, 2026 – Copyright © 2025 Cute Calendar