Waffle Day 2026

March 25, 2026 in Sweden

Syrup being poured onto delicious waffles.

Waffle Day is celebrated on March 25, 2026. Waffle Day is a tradition that is celebrated in Sweden, and to a lesser extent elsewhere. Waffles are typically eaten on this day. The name comes from Vårfrudagen , which in vernacular Swedish sounds almost like Våffeldagen .

We have placed a detailed description of this event on this page: Waffle Day 2025. For further information please stop by there!

Where is Waffle Day?
When is Waffle Day?
Wednesday, the 25th of March 2026
Only 426 days left!

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Waffle Day 2026 - Sweden - Mar 25, 2026 – Copyright © 2025 Cute Calendar