World Day of the Snowman 2026

January 18, 2026 in the World

Snowman with hat and scarf.

World Day of the Snowman is celebrated on January 18, 2026. The date goes back to the form of the Snowman: "8" symbolizes the snowman and the "1" stands for his stick or broom. Moreover, January is usually cold enough to build snowmen and is therefore a perfect chance to celebrate the snowman. World Day of the Snowman was first held in 2011.

A snowman is an anthropomorphic snow sculpture. In some cases, participants in winter festivals will build large numbers of snowmen. In North America, typical snowmen consist of three large snowballs with some additional accoutrements for facial and other features. Common accessories include branches for arms and a rudimentary smiley face; a carrot can stand in for a nose. Human clothing, such as a hat or scarf, may even be included.

Low-cost and availability are the common issues, since snowmen are usually in a cold and/or wet environment, and abandoned to the elements once completed. Melting is a common end-of-life scenario for most snowmen. Snowmen are a popular theme for Christmas and winter decorations and also in children's media. (With material from: Wikipedia)

Where is the event?
When is the event?
Sunday, the 18th of January 2026
Only 338 days left!

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