World Day of the Snowman 2027

January 18, 2027 in the World

Snowman with hat and scarf.

World Day of the Snowman is celebrated on January 18, 2027. The date goes back to the form of the Snowman: "8" symbolizes the snowman and the "1" stands for his stick or broom. Moreover, January is usually cold enough to build snowmen and is therefore a perfect chance to celebrate the snowman.

We have placed a detailed description of this event on this page: World Day of the Snowman 2026. For further information please stop by there!

Where is the event?
When is the event?
Monday, the 18th of January 2027
Only 705 days left!

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World Day of the Snowman 2027 - Jan 18, 2027 – Copyright © 2025 Cute Calendar